Review: Clay’s Hope by Melissa Hagg


Clay is a man of few human talents. As a wolf, he hunts well and can fight off a grizzly twice his size, but has no aspirations. The idea of a Mate isn’t something he has ever seriously entertained. Dreamed about, maybe, but he knows the chances are nearly non-existent.

Then he meets Gabby, a human girl. She hates him at first sight, yet he can’t let her go. Who he was is no longer important. Now, who he needs to become to win her over is the only thing that matters.



This book is similar to Melissa Haag’s Hope(less), but this book is in Clay’s point of view! For anyone who wants to read from both characters POV’S, then these two series are perfect for you.  The writing and plot were both good. The one thing I would have liked to see more is a little more romance between Gabby and Clay, but I think that will come in the other books throughout the series.

Clay…He has always been Forlorn and alone on his own. This is how he likes to be. Clay comes to help this pack with a potential mate for one of the wolves. He wasn’t expecting to become mated himself. I loved being able to read Clay’s POV and see what Clay really did during the day when he wasn’t with Gabby and a lot of questions were answered.I didn’t think I could love Clay anymore than I already did, but this book proved to me that I was wrong. One thing that irked me is that Clay didn’t talk until the end of the book! However, when Clay says “If I’d spoken, even just one word, I would have never been able to hold back what I felt for you. You would have run.” it explains why he didn’t talk.

Gabby…  This was a little different because I had known Gabby’s story already. I still loved her character and still wanted to throw things at her when she talked or did things before she thought.

This was a great book and I look forward to reading more of Melissa Haag’s work!I dont normally read companion books, but since Clay didnt talk, this was very fitting and needed to be told. I am not sure if he will now talk more in the Judgement of the Six, but if he does, I am not sure I will like this series as much. We will have to see!

Anyone who loves paranormal romance with wolves, and a mystery, go purchase this book now! Its free!


Rating: 4.5/5

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